IT Service Management requires an integrated approach to effectively deliver those services that truly meet customer and business requirements. To do this, established and professional methods and processes are needed.

A recognized solution to this problem is to use an IT Service Management System (ITSMS) based on ISO/IEC 20000, the international standard for IT service management. Certification to this standard enables you to independently demonstrate to your customers that you meet best practice.

ISO/IEC 20000 defines the requirements for a service provider to deliver managed services of an acceptable quality for its customers.

It may be used:

  1. By businesses that are going out to tender for their services;
  2. By businesses that require a consistent approach by all service providers in a supply chain;
  3. By service providers to benchmark their IT service management;
  4. As the basis for an independent assessment;
  5. By an organization which needs to demonstrate the ability to provide services that meet customer requirements; and
  6. By an organization which aims to improve service through the effective application of processes to monitor and improve service quality.

The standard defines a comprehensive and closely related set of service management processes and comprises two parts:

Part One is the specification for service management which covers the IT service management. It is this part which you can be audited against and it sets out minimum requirements that must be achieved in order to gain certification.

Part Two is the code of practice for service management, which describes the best practices for service management processes within the scope of the specification.